~When Harry Met Sally

There are days when I just wake up and although I know I need to wake up to go to work and in my heart, I would rather play PS3 online, there is this part of me that wishes I could have days just to wake up and hug you and to let you know there is nothing else in the world I would rather do. There are this days then, like today, when all I want is to look into your eyes and tell you that you are all that matters. That everything I set out to do today is for you. Writing this down just spells out what my whispers and what my mind thinks. But more importantly, it is the only way I know best how to tell you how happy you make me fell. And more deeply, how much you mean to me.
I know there are times when I laze and choose not to get away with you to escape from being tired and choose to be stuck in front of the TV instead. But my heart always is with you. As often as I choose to stay in front, I always after when I watch you can't but help feeling guilty. So I do control more often and I do ask myself more often how also can I make you smile.
These few weeks have been very busy weeks for me at work and I know it takes a toll on us when I can't call just to check on you. But thinking of you at work is the only rest I do get most of the times and also the only comfort on knowing what I'm working so hard for. Can't wait to clear all these outstanding matters when our child is born. These are the things that wake me up most mornings besides you chasing me out of bed.
I like to take these simple moments from time to time to let you know how much you mean to me and how much I need you. I love you and there say you need to show it and not just say it. This is maybe how best I can let you know how much you mean the world to me. Just a simple post on an ordinary Tuesday. But nothing is ordinary or simple when it's about you to me. I love you and I miss you. Thinking of you always.