Baby: Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.
~ Dirty Dancing
Baobei, I woke up alone again and the first thing I did was to reach out to handphone and let you know how much I miss you and how I can't get used to waking up without you. Today I really felt this emptiness when waking up. I think it's called the lion effect. In a theory written by the famed Prof. Lamb in 1314, he clearly explained the withdrawal symptoms of not having the lion within a 5cm radius for extended periods of time. Symptoms include waking up in the middle of the night calling out the lion's name and endlessly thinking about her presence 24/7 until hunger and thirst is often neglected. Victims have been known to be zombie walking until the lion in question returns.
But enough about me. I write this and everyday you are gone for you. Because I love you and I want everyday to be beautiful for you. So it started with a sms and now a blogpost and followed by missing you the entire day. Today I know you will be busy so I'm writing another story to cheer you up at the end of today. So I'm hoping that you will smile because no matter how dark a day can be. With you, it's going to shine.
This story starts with a swish, a bang and a bell. For in this castle on the highest peak and in the tallest tower was a princess. And it was with the swish of the star and at that moment many moons ago that she was born. There was a bang of doors as so many hurried to spread the news. And the bells across the kingdom rang to announce the joy. But fortune was not hers as she had to be taken away. For there was a prophecy that no princess should stay within the kingdom for it was her fate that another should claim her.
So she was sent to the tower and there she grew up. Her friends were the birds that visited often and the stars at night. For she was a child that had been destined. She was lonely and wondered why her family had to send her away. Many moons passed and she grew in stature and beauty. Many a traveling knight and prince sought her out but she turned them away. For they wanted nothing but her beauty and her as a prize.
On the other end of the land was a peasant boy who grew up toiling the land and soil and he grew up making friends with the beasts of the fields and talked to the plants. He too heard of this princess and his parents often told him off for dreaming of the impossible. So he dared to dream, believe the unbelievable and never took no for an answer (pun intended). And once the spring came on his twentieth year, he left for the tower. He passed many a disappointed prince and warrior. But he only strengthened his resolve and walked on.
There were many princes already waiting and they snickered and made fun of him even daring to be among them when so many who were better had already failed.
As he reached the tower, he looked up and called out, "May the most beautiful of the land show her face?". To which the princess replied, "How would you know who is the most beautiful in the land when you have not seen her. Aren't you the same as the many nobles who have come? Or the knights who boast to fight battles to honour my beauty?".
To which the peasant called out, "If you will not show your face, how then can a comparison be made?". To which the princess then appeared, "So which words of flattery will you use now?". At which the peasant replied, "None. Not because I am a man of few words or because you deserve some. But I stand here because I have a dream of love."
"And I came to find that. Having seen you, I come having talked to birds, making friends with beasts of the field. I unlike the others have not seen the things they have seen but I know a beauty that will last and I see it in you. But pray tell why are you empty?".
Shocked at such a reply, the princess replied, "Empty? I am visited everyday by suitors of every land! Everyone wants my hand in marriage.".
To which the peasant replied, "Why is it then that your smile is empty. Your words are empty and your eyes still keep looking? I may not have the robes of richness and I may not be taught by the greatest minds in the land but I know it when I see emptiness."
The pricess remained silent then bashed back, "Then what do you know about all this?"
"I may not be smart but I know what love is. Love is like when you whisper to something and although you may not fully understand what it says in return, you remain loyal because love binds. I know love is like takinng wings, it's not about letting go but trusting that love always remains and will find you"
The peasant then got on his knees, "I offer you this. I offer you this love that will remain after my speech has gone and my mind is slow. I offer these eyes that will always see you as perfect and I give you this heart that will be yours and yours alone. I give you me. I am a peasant, my place is with the land and I care for everything with this simple love that you will always be before me."
The princess was struck and she opened the tower. Everyone was astonished and many different endings were told. Some say that the princess sent him away for his foolishness and he was never heard of again. Some say that they found love far away from everything.
The ending? I think I am always here for you and that today, finally being able to see you now. You are perfect and I love you baby. Today, I miss you more than yesterday and I woke up loving you more than the last second of being awake. One more day. Lamb is waiting.
PS. Bie, I'm with you and that's all that matters. I love you.