~ Boys and Girls
Today woke up sad and the day became worse when I missed your call. Just going through the motions today and nothing is important than telling you this message baby. I miss you and nothing is more important than you. Everytime you step out, the light becomes a little dimmer and the rain drops a little harder. I woke up to another emptiness and the ribena was sweet because you made it but not sweet enough with you here. People think they get used to things and don't feel so bad.
The only thing I get used to is this feeling that's so bad everytime you go away. I wrote you your note today, with smoke signals, telephones, wire calls all saying the same thing; I love you baby. Today, your lamb is writing you another story while you're gone, a little story to accompany you in Bei Jing when the temperature drops below zero, this heart of a lamb is here to keep you warm.
There are many stories of how the world came into being. But this was long kept hidden and secret. It was not the most interesting but it was the most sincerely written. The story is starts with a void and darkness like all start of the world. And they it began with light and the seas and the land separated. Each living being was rolled out be it from it's nests in the stars to the skies, from beneath the seas to the above and from behind the mountains to the deeps. All manner of creatures arose. Some no longer exists.
But they rolled out into being when the earth groaned and shook at the first light of day. A great many fascinating creatures there were, some magnificent with pride staring at the new world, some minuscule and frightened as being thrown out of their homes and some simply floating and mesmerised by the new surroundings. And with all the rest of being there came lion and a lamb.

They were not sent from the same stars and they was not much that the lion found pleasing at all when she first encountered the lamb. For the lamb was too foreign, it did not speak her language, she kept finding him disturbing for the lamb kept hanging around in the same den and she preferred others from other dens. The lamb was still young in the count of the world compared to the lion. And the lion was restless with how fast the mind of the lamb worked and it seemed too smart for it's own good. But she felt this comfort and allowed the lamb to remain by her side.
The many other creatures picked their spots and some were friendly with the odd couple and some were hostile. The lion always watched the lamb at the beginning of the world and the lamb always found a curious way to paint her smiles. At first wary, all guard was washed away and slowly warm feelings started to grow. And it grew with the world, the flowers, the beauty and the warmth. All was well and there were storms as the land started to calm down and began to be stable.
So many emotions ran in between and the lion and the lamb grew up in their relationship with time. And in time, the lion became more wary over shadows that peeked at the lamb and was jumpy at other creatures out to hunt down the lamb for she had begun to care for the lamb and she was warm beneath it all for the lamb. They went on many adventures at the cracking of the earth, on high seas to the skies riding on beasts of wings and beyond. They explored the depths of the beauty of the earth and often found sweet surprises always lurking around the corner.
The lion was selfish, selfish over happyness and the lamb too had always wanted to provide it. Once, it happened that the lion crept out early and left messages for the lamb but the lamb was too drowsy to realise and it made her sad. But once the lamb awoke, he never stopped sending smoke signals by burning the fields, by calling out to the stars so that she always knew he loved her. Yes, for they were in love.

Darkness was a sad time but never lonely because it was always another day galloping together, paw and hoof pass meadows and pass new memories that continued to grow and live on. Together they rode with time. The lion was at times edgy and nervous about how things proceeded and if the lamb would wander but the lamb only wanted to remain. The world was vast and the lion was worried that one day one beauty, one other creature might stay his heart.
But little did the lion realise that it took much much more than anything in the world to separate both. And if you look real close at the stars at night, you will see a distant star of a lion and a lamb riding each night, writing a new chapter each day of happyness and love. Where do they ride? On and on they say until the end of days.
The End.
This simple story's for you baby. I know you deserve way more than this but I wrote this for you and the moral of the story is simple. I will always love you and ride this life with you. On and on until the end of days. Our road, our path is now, and you are my now which you now and if you ask if you are my tomorrow, yes baby and a million times yes. How do I know? Love has all the answers.
Riding another chapter with you. You are here again and not here. You left with my heart but left all your memories here. From the seat you left empty waiting for you to come back to the emptiness I can not fill. If there is one answer baby, yes that answer is you. You are my one, my all, my everything and I love you. Missing you so so much. I have this plan for my entire life mapped out and that plan is you. Waiting for you..
PS. Today I woke up empty because you took everything and left me only memories that are only enough to last me until you get back. I don't blame you, only my love for you that grows stronger with each passing day. Missing you so so much my lion.