I can't stand next to you without wanting to hold you. I can't, I can't look into your eyes without feeling that, that longing you only read about in trashy romance novels. I can't talk to you without wanting to express my love for everything you are.
~ Chasing Amy
To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love; to be happy then is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy; therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
Therefore, to love is to love, to live in happyness all the days of one's life. Lion is in a bad spell of being pissed with me. Have no idea why she thinks she's not the center of the universe anymore when everything says she is. But maybe like she always tells me, girls like to always know and they want their man to always be by their end comforting them, noticing them and placing them as important. Girls always react funny like changing their profile pic on Facebook to let the man know something is wrong and simply wait for him to say something. Only, that something is said here. I do care what you do and what is it that disturbs you. I care about the way you work and go through each day of your life. I drop by with small hints and maybe you were too busy to notice. No, I am not here to say I have already love you so much that you should be overwhelmed and you are over reacting but I am here to say again and again, YOU matter to me, every second of every passing day.
You matter from the moment I get up to the moment my eyes close shut. I may happen to be distracted by the things that go on but you always fail to see that you are still the first thing I see and the last thing I think off before the stars turn off the lights. Maybe you did not know, but you were the only thing I think of on the way to work, in between meals, running for meetings, talking to clients, in front of a podium during a presentation and on the way back. You are there because you are you. You matter to me because I love you and when you love someone, you let them know. From the way I touch you, hold your hand to the way I look at you like no other.
It has admittedly been a long time since this blog has been updated, it's either been flurry rush through work then recuperating on off days or busy with the wedding preparations. But this is no excuse for you feeling neglected. So I am here today to brighten a small spot of your day. I am here today like John Nash of A Beautiful Mind, simply because of you. You are the reasons I stand today and you are every part of who I am. So don't say I make decisions not for both of us, because in all reality, you are me, so much a part of me, that I can't help but know that you are my life, my today, my tomorrow and my days to come. When I mean every decision is for us, I mean it, because you will always be there to live this life with me together.
Today, I woke up realising that perhaps the ways you see things are not the same as me. It could be my glasses or my retardness. But one thing I am certain is that I love the way you get upset about me, because you want to care and you want to matter so much. And that somehow makes me smile. Because in all the noise of today, when people brush you by, and even when some like Shereen show you kindness, no one matters more to you, touches you deeper than just a simple tweet or a photo change from a silly lamb :P but what paints me happyness really is when I also realise that I am too so much of you. That I too have become so much of you simply makes me happy.
There are no stories that I could write today. Because no story carries more weight than the story we are writing and will be continuing to write all the days of our lives. I wish to say that when I wrote this, the birds chirped and the sun sang outside the veranda. And probably they did, only love was guiding my hand and love was blinding me when I again put pen to paper and let love dance the way. This smile I have when I am finishing this post for you, is my smile to say, how lucky I am to have you in my life. So, I'm going to stop soon and come back to bed and give you a kiss on your forehead and see if I can get you to see the horizon, the beauty of today, with you in my life.
Today, in the days heading up to our wedding, I can't wait for our marriage to begin and our journey to keep on going. I can't wait for the possibilities that await us. The trials, the sorrows, the joys. I want them all with you. Because I want to live my life...with you. Every single moment of it. Baby, when you read this, know this. That my heart, my heart is in the palm of your hands. It lives, breaths and beats for you. I love you.