~ Keanu Reeves, Sweet November

They say that the best things comes in threes.
Hello lion! I love you.
It's that simple. It's that beautiful. Baby, you're perfect to me.
I am here today to write you a story. It's not grand or built with the most grandiose of words or the most magical of storylines. But it's a story from the heart. I write this to you, for you and in a funny way, this story is by you.
It was far away tucked under the stars in the land named Sunrise. It was a land perfectly similar to our own except for the fact that there lived animals that could talk and had an attitude like Disney. It was in this same land that there lived a lion and a lamb and they had attitude. Not one of their neighbours knew where they came from or who they were. For they mostly kept to themselves and hardly drew any notice. Except for the occasional kicking and biting, nothing was amiss or peculiar.
In the land of Sunrise, all creatures lived in harmony with each other, man and beast alike, each respecting their own boundaries and carrying on with their daily affairs. The land of Sunrise was ruled by a Fairy God Mother who did nothing else but visited the dwellers of Sunrise to terrorise and torment them with various tasks and challenges simply for fun. Delighting in poking fun and introducing a bit of fun in everyday lives, she would pop by to surprise each passing by Sunriser or simply knocking on random doors to pull a prank.
It was one day when she chanced upon the home of our hero and heroine of our story, the lion and the lamb. Feeling up to her own naughty self, she knocked on the door. Once, to be met with silence. Second to, "We don't want to see other humans!" to the third of, "If you keep knocking, we'll welcome you with a broom or a hoof or a claw!!!". Simply more excited with the chance to display her naughtiness, the Fairy God Mother took a huff and a puff and blew the door down. Snarling her teeth, the lion dared her to step in. Meekly hiding behind the table, the lamb waved a bat in a show of might at which the Fairy God Mother simply waltzed into the house.
Ignoring the snapping teeth of the lion, the Fairy God Mother swished her wand and voila! the lion was swept up in a bubble floating in mid air. Chuckling at a mischief well managed, she turned then to the lamb flashing her ever haughty grin. "Well then, little lamb. Let's play a game shall we?" She twinkled her eyes while holding her hands together in anticipation.
The lamb now crouching under the lamb desk, was shivering from head to toe and bleated, "The only game we're playing is you packing up and leaving!" and before the chuckle could begin, he managed to add, "And you turn lion back you stupid beast!".
"Hmmm...quite a feisty one this lamb despite being so frail and weak. Wonder what this lion sees in him. Makes me wonder. You don't have a choice. Play my game, answer me three questions and I'll set things back to the way it was", shrieked the Fairy God Mother.
"OK. I...I.....I'll play! You...you..you WITCHHHHHH!!!!" he stammered.
"Witch you say. Fine then. Call me what you will. Now that that's settled," she gently lifted herself over to the dark corner of the room breathing smoke and fire as she towered over the still cowering lamb.
The lamb meekly peeked out of the corner and dashed to try to reach out to the bubble filled lion, trying to claw open the shield with his hoofs.
"Tst...Tst...Tst...being naughty are we?" she sneered. And again the wand swished as the lamb began to float upside down and continued to struggle in mid air.
"Allright. Let us begin you little creature. This definitely is going to be exciting," she laughed as the scene shifted from the cottage in the meadows to all of them floating above the fiery depths of what looked dreadfully like a volcano. "Oh, I forgot to mention...if you fail, both of you fall. Right down to the fire and more frightening depths below"
Sneering at the still desperately struggling lamb, the Fairy God Mother asked this, "What is love? Tell me you little thing!!" She cackled.
The lamb sweating profusely from fear and from everything, squeezed his eyes and shouted loud, "Love is when lion first held my hand and kissed me after she drank a whole bottle of wine, love is when we danced under two suns, love is when she is becoming someone better for me but most of all, love is when she is simply doing all the boring stuff and living this life she has with me despite all my weaknesses and who I am!!!"
Silence filled the fiery chamber. The witch said, "Love is when you know you're in love and it will last...how true. You silly little lamb."
Swishing her wand again, they now appeared in the clouds. "Tell me this, little lamb," she muttered. "What is the secret of happiness?"
The lamb clinging on shifting clouds for dear life, again replied, "Happiness is to look in lion's eyes as we grow old and see what I think I look like...me".
Silenced, the witch again said, "Most would have answered being contented is to be happy. But your contentment lies in always believing and knowing that your lion will always see you as you are, and loving you for what you are. Isn't that trusting too much on a lion who you never know when will change?"
"That is love. To believe in faith...That is love..to believe when there is no reason to believe..past logic..past reason...because you do not need logic or reason to love...you only need to..to love...", the lamb cried continuing to cling onto floating clouds.
Sighing again, the witch waved her wand.
They appeared now in the meadows. "Tell me this little lamb. What is the most precious thing to you?"
"Lion.." he bleated.
"Then if I take your life, so that she may live. Is that fine?"
"Then you're afraid to die? Your life means more than hers?"
"NOOO!!!! You do not understand. I can not leave her alone. She made me promise to go after her. There is nothing more sad than to watch the most precious thing in the world pass you by. That is a promise to always make her happy. That is why I must live everyday!!!!" the lamb gritted his teeth.
"You can take away everything but love is all that we need to remain. Food fades, time fades, death comes. True love can only be delayed a bit but never vanquished. That is life and the truth of living. We live because of love, because of passion, because we want to live. I want to live..I want to love...and I want to be complete!"
The witch nodded. "Truly, you understand what it takes to live but how you live depends on you.."
She swished her wand and they both appeared again in the cottage and the Fairy God Mother was no longer there.
"Live well, Live Happy, Live with Love" came the whisper as the breeze blew by.
No one knew what happened to the lion and the lamb or the witch but this much do I know. You came into my life to teach me to love with all my heart, all my strength and all my might. You came to show me how wonderful life is when you're in the world. Today, I write this because of you, from you that life is love and love is life. And to be able not only to write this down but to smile when I see it everyday of my life, that is the miracle. That is the joy of a pen dancing on paper, of fingers gliding on the key board, typing a message for you baby. So that when I'm done, I can whisper those same words to you, "You've got blogpost.." To write down that you are the sweetest thing these eyes will ever see. That you are the most important thing, person and event and moment to have happened to me.
I say the same things in nearly every single post of how much you mean to me. And the truth is that you matter the same to me, which is everything. You matter everything to me, my world, my life and my love. I love you baby and hope this story paints you a smile that will carry us through the steps to our wedding and beyond. Can you hear that bell? That's just me ringing my love for you...everyday of our lives.
PS. Bie, if only you could see what I see in you...my sweet sweet baby....