This is a story that happened on the 28th of March in a distant year that people might or might not remember. Its a story about two individuals called Jamal and Lathika. Any similarities with any fictional or real characters are purely intentional and meant to be.

Now, it was an early morning and Jamal was tired finishing a card for Lathika on the 28th. I would like to say the birds were chirping and the sky was crystal blue but no..the greatest thing that could happen was when Lathika woke him up. That was the tone for the day from hearts racing to stopping to galloping to craziness.
Jamal found himself
lost in front of Lathika's home and he was early, mind you (hey, the road numbering was funny and had to twirl a few times arounf the block). They had their fist hug which then time stopped for approximately 0.1 seconds before reality came back (which really sux). Lathika had fruit drinks for breakfast which she had been kind enough to share with Jamal which really was the first heart mealt of the day.
The entire day was a fairytale run and if everything was written here, there would be no ending. Now, the Bible says that "Man shall not leave on bread alone". Heck, it could not have been more true, everything was sweet and Jamal and Lathika lived on air, water and love alone. Estimated time spent on gazing at each other was an Olympic record 14 straight hours. Everything was perfect although the movie, Taken would not have been a great first date movie because 1) the movie spoke about 2 travellers who got taken (pun intended) and Lathika just got back from a 2 people trip 2) the violence was 'painful'. But, it ended well with a few instances of Jamal constantly peeking to see if Lathika was allright and it must be noted that Lathika's reactions were cute. This was in between Jamal picking caramel popcorn for Lathika from the other tasteless ones.
The most awesome part was dinner. The place was practically deserted and it was like Jamal and Lathika had the whole restaurant for themselves. An then, "Excuse me sir and madam, now is earth hour. Would you mind if we turn off the lights and use candles?". Imagine a whole restaurant, great ambience, excellent music, fine dining, wine, whole restaurant empty, candlelight dinner and all the time in the world. I wish the English language could invent words to describe these happenings which extends beyond euphoria, perfection and absolute romance. Or maybe there is a word, but the author simply does not know nor cares.
There was wine, eye gazing, ahem, hand holding and that moment was pure magic. It was so thick in the eye that it would suffocate you. Jamal and Lathika were in love and nothing could steal the moment. Nothing on earth could have disrupted that moment. After a slow meal, it was onto the veranda after the lights were turned back on. Magnificent view of KL Tower and KLCC. The only imperfection was the absence of stars in the sky. Finished the wine but the shock came when Lathika was tipsy and had to get to the washroom. Won't go into details, but Jamal and Lathika shared their first kiss right there and then. It was the most magical moment of the night if you ask me.
Lathika told Jamal that she got tipsy on purpose to be daring. Now if love is not the best anectode for bravery then I do not know what is. It was love that made her brave enough to be tipsy and so was it really love that made her brave enough or was it the wine? The answer is written.
The heartstops, heart melts, time stopping moments would have destroyed the earth and put global warming to shame.
Well, the night ended with Jamal racing back driving with one hand and the other holding onto Lathika's. End of story which will stay in their minds forever the author hopes, forever and ever.
I wish to say I was making this up but the author also has been biting his own fingers to ensure that this was real and the many more that happened that day was pure magic. The author hopes to write more magic tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and forever to come.
This also explains why there were no new comments on the 28th of March on the AirAsia blog. Jamal needed a day off, one day just not to look at the blog and live a proper life and the greatest day of his life was just perfect.
Now excuse me, I need to stop daydreaming of the 28th and start thinking about her and missing her.
PS. Baby, I luv u...forever and ever baby!