"120km/h is still ok"
With that I made a promise and have kept to below 120km/h on the road no matter how inviting the space is. Even when I feel bored or really want to speed, I've kept my promise.
This has resulted in really seriously hilarious episodes on the road. Once, I was behind a bad ass auntie on the second lane and wanted to overtake but she was already driving at 110km/h. So guess what, I actually kept to my promise and followed her all the way until Putrajaya. At the same time was knocking my head on the steering wheel and asking if I really had to keep my promise when no one was watching.

Another thing that could result in me driving fast is if another driver pulls up behind at break neck speed and really close distance. My first reaction would have been smoke 'em. But since I made that promise, I actually bit my teeth (my gums nearly bled yeah i am exaggerating but it was that bad) and pulled to the slower lane. Had to resist flashing the bird at the driver. He must have laughed at me while driving by.
Been driving real funny lately, eyes always on the speedometer and getting nervous when its nearly at 120. Its like one eye on the road and the other on the speedometer. I'm getting crooked eyed...gasp! To friends who I have blazed on the Dengkil highway must be really surprised reading this. Been disciplining myself a lot and been keeping my promise. Been getting up earlier so that I can still keep to the speed limits and make it early to manage the blog. Have more time to look at the sky and the weather on the way to work. And when you see the clouds and think of someone you made a promise to, you really cant help but smile. People who pass by me now must be thinking im a lunatic in a car. And i think i really am going crazy.
Todays kinda sad, Saturday will be a shorter one...
ZZZZzzzz... i'll sleep inside the car if i were you.. but my carpoolmate will be very happy if the driver were you.... but at least i always remind him never let his personal insurance expire.. hahahaha...
j.linz u seem like a real mean driver. pity the carpoolmate. for all we know, you could be the real terror on the road.
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