John: Now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a Terminator, right?
Terminator: Yes. Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101.
John: [Pokes at one of Terminator's bullet wounds.] Holy shit! You're really real! I mean, you're like a machine underneath, right? But sort of alive outside?
Terminator: I'm a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
John: This is intense. Get a grip, John. OK, uhm, you're not here to kill me. I figured that part out for myself. So what's the deal?
Terminator: My mission is to protect you.
John: Yeah? Who sent you?
Terminator: You did. Thirty-five years from now, you re-programmed me to be your protector here, in this time.
Okay, so what does Terminator have to do with my story today? To be honest, I do not really know but the Terminator character is one of the most reliable characters in the history of moviedom. Evil Janet is in an intense experience and I'm stuck here in Kuala Lumpur not being able to help her one single bit which is precisely like a stab in the heart. Its that feeling of helplessness that you are incapable of helping (made worse when she didin't have lunch). Was thinking of all that and the single word that came immediately to my mind, was Terminator.
Grew up wathcing this many times on video and felt that it was kinda cool to be able to protect the people that matter to you. Would watch and re-enact the really exciting scenes with my brother who would just tag along with whatever games I could come up wiht. We would repeat the lines and all that with our plastic guns. We took turns okay to be terminator so it was not just me.
Now, I'm nothing even remotely close to the real terminator with no real muscles and real strength. What I have is a will to protect you and make you happy every second of my life. Now, lets re-imagine the above dialogue again, like below:-

Evil Janet: Now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a Blogger, right?
Me: Yes. Luv U Systems, Model Blogger 101.
Evil Janet: [Pokes at my flabby tummy.] Holy shit! You're really real! I mean, you're like a machine underneath, right? But sort of alive outside?
Me: I'm a loving organism incapable of surviving without you and designed to love you. Living tissue over an empty heart which I believe is with you.
Evil Janet: This is intense. Get a grip, Janet. OK, uhm, you're not here to kill me. I figured that part out for myself. So what's the deal?
Terminator: My mission is to protect you.
John: Yeah? Who sent you?
Terminator: You did. Fifty years from now, you re-programmed me through love to be your protector here, in this time. And we're supposed to be holding hands everyday until we die and you should be smiling while we watch the sunrise and sunset. I was also programmed to spoil you and make you the luckiest girl on planet earth.
PS. Baby, love you. Know you're real super duper busy but my hand has never left yours and I'm here for you. Never be afraid or panic, I'm here for you...always.
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