Sitting there, Perth reminds me so much of Wellington. Both are quiet and both have practically the same kind of stores and shapes, be it from Dymocks to West Bank to Dicksmith Electronics. Yet the souls of both cities are so different. This entire week has been so different. I have been so different. Its been exactly six days, two hours, twenty four minutes and six seconds at writing this line that I have not seen your face. I know because when I closed the door of your car, I was already looking at my watch to count how long would time demand until we would be allowed to meet again which would be roughly for seven days, eighteen hours, forty eight minutes and six seconds assuming I touchdown and check my luggage out at exactly 1 pm.
Now, I am no mathematician. But all I know is that how much I miss you can not be quantified nor can it be measured in simple arithmetics. If not then my love for you would be simply,
Love you = (all my heart + all my mind + all my time + my everything)*(cannot lose you + always be faithful to you + you are my one and only)
But somehow that equation does not add up because when I love you, nothing else matters, so would it be better to say,
Love you = My everything and more
Not quite as well because my love for you can not be simplified nor can it be quantified. So when I say I love you, it goes beyond simple calculation and I hope I never find the answer because when I love you, there are no limits, no boundaries, no rules and most importantly, because you love me too. I feel my perspectives are changing not only because of time but because of you.

Just got back wrapped to my room in two layers. I don't think its the weather thats making me cold because the temperature is actualy slightly warmer than the day before. I think its the heart thats cold. But I'm actually smiling more today and the day before. Because the timer is coming to an end and unless my calculations are wrong, Monday is just around the corner. And today, you sound so happy that my entire room was lit up and my heart was burning like a bonfire. You're smile on the phone simply has that magic. Was down the whole day but your smile reminded me how lucky I am and that its all going to be over soon. Monday is coming and the sunshine is coming back to my world. So Evil Janet, should I lend you a calculator to count our love for you as well? I know the answer to this one, and its 1314. I never make mistakes in my calculations....
A Beautiful Mind!
One of the best movie I've watched!
Anyway, have fun at Perth.
It's always fun to go on duty travel..
but what is 1314 wor?
that is for evil janet to know and for you to find out
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