suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace,
suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
it all revolves around you.
Moulin Rouge

Baby, do you know what makes me happy? Colours. Yellow makes me happy because it is the sun, the start of the day that means its another day I can hold your hand again. Blue makes me happy because it is the sky, and the sky is blue because of you. Green makes me happy because it is the trees, its natural like the way your hand fits mine. Red makes me happy because it is the shade of your hair that sets my world on fire. I am very happy to wake up every morning. I am happy to see you.
The funny thing about colours is that theres so many of them. I always thought that words were the only colours I have to tell you my stories. That was until you took my hand and caught my breath. Until you saw my eyes and heard my heart. I knew you were the right colour when you felt, heard and knew my colour. You told me once when we were asking each other these senseless questions, that perhaps grey was your favourite colour. Somehow, I think your favourie colour is me. Yes, sometimes my face tells the colour of arrogance with a poker face. But its only the colour of love having you in my life.
People often associate emotions with colours, like red symbolises the colour of beauty and also anger. Black to sadness and blue to the calm oceans. Green to peace and pink to softness and feminity. Some days its a shower of a rainbow especially when you're around. Some days its the black of clouds when the issues can't seem to go away and sadness is all around. On other days, its the colour of your smile. And its beautiful. Because life with you is simply colourful. From my reflection in the shades of brown in your eyes to the red of your warmth when your hand reaches for mine, colours tell me so many stories, the stories of us.
The colours that float in my world are not the colours that people often see. The colours that matter to me are not what people think they should equate to or should be. What I often see, or rather what I always see are the colours of our world, the only colours that matter to us. They twirl around and change like the weather which to others may seem chaotic and uncertain. But they exist because of you, because of us. Life is uncertain and I'm wrapping mine around yours. The only uncertain thing that we need to know is how much happiness we are going to paint today. Sometimes, I do wonder if I exist just to be with you. Thats a beautiful colour to paint for a lifetime I think.
PS. Bie, some people have favourite colours. I guess mine is destined to be you.
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