Drew Barrymore, Never Been Kissed

Never been kissed featuring Drew Barrymore who plays an undercover reporter who goes back to school to dig interesting scoops. The storyline is quite cliche and even Stephen Chow Sing Chi had a dig (three attempts actually) at a similar undercover story as a cop but this quote does quite summarise how I feel for her today. That when she appears, everything just fades away and shes all that matters. And the only thing in focus is me and her and the world are just minor characters that revolve around us. And I realize that that she is the only person that I'm supposed to kiss for the rest of my life. And for one moment I get this gift. And I want to laugh and I want to cry because I feel so lucky that I found it and so scared that it will go away all at the same time.
The weekend has been a pure mix of all emotions in a matter of days. I have seen the depths of how far I can drop and the highest I can achieve in forty eight hours. I have written many times that life is not in the amount of breaths that you take but rather life is measured by how many moments take your breath away. How do I measure my life when she steals each second away?
Its been an exhausting experience for both of us. Am wrapping up the two major competitions on AirAsia social media channels and this week will be another tiring one. Shes going to be late on most nights this week and she has been absolutely stubborn on refusing to let me wait for her. Feel on days like these that shes absolutely driving me up the wall because she matters so much to me and she knows it. I understand that I distract her when I prowl around and when she knows I'm waiting for her she gets more anxious, but its more painful when shes not around.
Been trying to write what my heart wants to whisper since morning but could not find the time or the space of mind to write something which does justice to her heart. I'm holding tighter now on her hand when I had come so close to losing it. She tells me how scared she is of losing mine when all along I've been wondering how long will she allow me to hold hers. I'm believing that it will be a lifetime and wondering if I can make her believe the same now. I remember the movie Phenomenon, starring John Travolta and he asked his wife, if she would love him the rest of his life. She said she would instead love him for the rest of hers. Give me all the time in the world to see it with her.
PS. Bie, 我要永远和你在一起! 我永远不会离开你!
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