~ West Side Story

At sunrise, everything is filled with light, everything lights up and is luminous but strangely unclear. My heart fills with hope that its another passing day and that I'm starting today with you but strangely everythings unclear because you're not right here with me staring at me and smiling. Its the third day and its among the most painful in waiting for you. Being deeply loved by you gives me strength, while loving someone deeply like you gives me courage to make today beautiful.
Another day has gone, I'm still all alone. How could this be? You're not here with me. Michael Jackson sang it best on the radio today. I'm trying my best to be as lovable to you as possible simply because I really miss you and want you to love me so much. Do you know why it rains in Taipei everyday? Its because everytime I reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me miss you, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. The clouds had nothing to hide so it all fell down like my heart in Taipei and it started the second your foot touched Taipei. You asked me to be happy and smile for you, so I imagined today as a treasure quest.
The Chronicles of a Hobbit
I still recall the start of the adventure as clear as the blue azure clear waters of the plateau. This is a recollection of events leading up to our historic ascent to claim the legendary treasure of TrueLove. This is written as a beacon to those also seeking to find it.
I still recall being there in the middle of my mundan and repetitive job when I'm offered an opportunity to join a band of explorers and head into the hidden worlds of the Lost World. The phone call full of hope from my dear old friend, Professor SeaLamb was too exciting and surreal that it had to be false. The intrigue and the possibilities of finding what I've been searching for all my life, the one, was too hard to resist. The elusive treasure that all men seek but only few find. The burning enthusiasm was shared by us, the band of five that were chosen by Professor SeaLamb. We set out in the month of June of the year of the Cow. We reached the plateau of the unexplored island of Taipei with the aid of native guides, who are superstitiously scared of the area.

One of these natives, Missing You, is the brother of a man that was killed the last time he was with the expedition led by Professor SeaLamb in Hangzhou. When the expedition manages to get onto the plateau, Missing You destroyed our bridge, trapping us across from our base camp and the other natives. Our devoted aide, Misisng You Even More With Each Passing Second remains at the base, but is unable to prevent the rest of the natives from leaving once news spread that we were spread on the other side with remote chance of getting back. They left after looting and stealing what they could from our base camp. We turned on Missing You demanding how could he treat us this way before Missing You turned to us with an evil mad grin saying, "I warned you. This would happen when you're seeking to find the ETERNAL TREASURE OF LOVE. You need to risk everything without ever knowing you will find it." Laughing maniacally, he leapt straight into the waters of FIVE DAYS that separated us from civilisation.

Deciding to carry on and investigate the lost world, the party was divided on the way ahead but decided to venture further into the thick jungles ahead. The party started to grow restless with time as we did not know where we were and were really LOST. On the second day of wandering, we were attacked by huge birds of prey, which Professor SeaLamb identified as the "LOST WITHOUT SEALION SYNDROME". We lost HAPPINESS and MEANING to the attacks. The entire party's morale was down but upon finding a shallow stream of fresh water to which the natives knew as "SMILING ALL BECAUSE OF YOU", we were again spirited that we declared that the waters of FIVE DAYS will not bring us down.

We crossed the middle of the island and reached the middle mark of the swamp called "TWO DAYS LEFT" in an intact spirit and supplies. Professor SeaLamb remarked that this was the mid junction of our journey and we were full of hope that we were drawing closer to our goal to where the treasure was last seen. We found some measure of happiness at least reaching a milestone we set out for. We also found some blue clay at the swamps to which I personally take a great degree of interest in, naming it "CALF THAT MUNCHED MY BABY'S HAIR". Making a mental note to myself to explore the use of the clay later, we left the swamps to the next part of our adventure.

After exploring the terrain and having a few misadventures in which our expedition narrowly misses being killed by wandering carnivorous birds called "WONDERING WHAT ARE YOU DOING", the remainder of our party, Professor SeaLamb, WAITING FOR YOU, LOVING YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW and SILLY LAMB are captured by a race of ape-men, the "LIFE IS INCOMPLETE AND FOOD TASTELESS WITHOUT YOU" tribe. While in their village, we find out there are also a race of humans inhabiting the other side of the plateau who the ape-men are constantly at war with. I managed to escape and managed to convince THINK YOU THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURE TO WALK PLANET EARTH, the leader of the men residing on the other end to mount to a rescue. We arrived just in time to prevent the executions of the Professor and our party. We retreated back to the human tribe to regroup after the exhaustive rescue mission. With our help and knowledge of technology, we defeat the ape-men, taking control of the whole plateau.

Gaining freedom to explore the island at our leisure, we separated into all four corners of the wind, each to seek the fortune that awaited us. I chose the path of "LISTENING TO YOU AND LOCKING MY CARDOOR SO YOU WON'T WORRY" and went ahead bravely. There were many obstacles but we had given ourselves the two remaining days to search individually. I refused to give up no matter the cause because something tells me that I've found it. And searching for hours beneath the barren deserts of "I WISH I WAS WITH YOU NOW", I managed to pull out the long sought chest of "THIS IS ALL I NEED AND HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR". Tinkering with the lock of the SeaLion, it finally snapped open.

Therein, behold, I lay eyes on it for the first time, the missing treasure of ETERNAL TREASURE OF LOVE shining like the sun, radiant and more beautiful than I imagined. The moment I laid my eyes on the treasure that has brought down kingdoms and destroyed nations, at first it teased my eye but now its caught my heart. Flutttering the wings it had, it whispered, "You have braved the FIVE DAYS and many challenges but you will have to wait a bit more brave adventurer. When the time is right, you will find me again. So believe and wait." Rising slowly to take leave, the treasure offered me a smile which I will always remember as it turned back to say "I love you". With that,the treasure vanished into thin air. Stunned, I still found it hard to grasp that the wait will continue. My eyes were watery with all the effort as the realisation poured all over me and washed all my emotions. So I will wait, wait for my greatest treasure to come back to where my treasure belongs, right here where its beating for you.
PS. Bie, F.R.I.D.A.Y stands for For Real I Decided Another Year is too long a wait. We have a DL list. What my baby wants my baby gets. Am waiting for your smile right here right now.
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