"It is at times like this that I know what my purpose is in life. I am here to love you, to hold you in my arms, to protect you. I am here to learn from you and receive your love in return. I am here because there is no other place to be."
~ Message in a Bottle
I love you. I love you to me means that you are more important than me. I love you means that when you are not around, not only will I behave but my heart is missing this huge chunk and it's all because of you. But it's okay because my heart was never whole before you anyways. So I am waiting. Waiting right here to be complete. I guess I too am spoiled, spoiled to always have you to love, to hold and to cherish. I live everyday not taking things for granted and on days that you are not around, I do feel that a part of me is not living.
Why are you there? You asked. Maybe you are there so that I can miss you, and always know how much you mean to be and how I can't live without you. You are there so that when you get back, a lamb can give you all the TLC and tenderness that a lion deserves. Maybe you are there so that missing each other means something. But I know one thing, that every second you're not here, I keep that memory, hold it and wait for you to come back then pamper you like no tomorrow.
Bie, I know you're tired from the entire night travel and you will be exhausted after the party tonight. So I am going to remind you that your lamb will always be here for you. No matter what or where you are, I will always be here for you. I know you like stories so here's another simple one that I hope you will like. This is not a real story but I hope this one that I write based on my imagination will entertain you for today :)
Magena, was a young girl who wandered around the hills and regions of the west for her name to the tribes meant moon. And she was as delightful as the moon on any pale night. She was young and often wandered far from her hut searching for beauty and joy. She was betrothed to Mapiya who was nicknamed after the sky. For he was plain and simple but he always whispered to Magena how he would complete her for in all beauty, he was the sky that held her true. For when she was missing, the sky would long for the moon. The tribes lived in bliss and happiness and spent many nights under the stars counting their blessings.
Now not all among the tribes were of good nature and of kind heart, Taima named after thunder was a jealous tribesmen and he often lusted after Mapiya. As she wandered alone sometimes unwatched by Mapiya, Taima would follow close by eyeing any opportunity for himself. Taima watched day by day and he understood the patterns of her travel and he convinced himself fueled by his lust to capture her. Setting his plans, Taima ventured and pretended to be of injury on the path that Magena would travel. Magena falling for the trick inquired only to be captured and taken away to the mountains where Taima knew no tribesmen would dare venture.
Mapiya was worried for Magena and searched high and low behind every valley and hill after days of her gone missing. Magena who was trapped longed for Mapiya and dreaded Taima. Taima would woo her day by day promising the sun and the stars only to be turned away. Magena would look longingly out of her capture pining for Mapiya. With each passing day, the patience of Taima would grow thinner as he heard Magena cry for Mapiya.
Mapiya chanced upon Taima at the mountains while Taima was gathering wood in the nearby forests of the mountain. Finding it odd for Taima to be acting so suspiciously so far away from the tribe, suspecting the worse, Mapiya tailed Taima back to the enclosure and capture tent of Magena. Waiting in patience for nightfall, Mapiya silently crept in the still darkness of the night to peek into the enclosure. Behold, lo did he see his fair Magena weeping into the night. Enraged, Mapiya seethed and bit his lips in anger at the betrayal of Taima. Silently lifting the locks, he whispered to Magena to escape. Overjoyed, Magena leapt into Mapiya's arms as they crept around the enclosure to head back to safety.
Taima who was listening behind the doors felt it odd that there was no usual crying that night and thought maybe his luck and fate had turned. After some time of rejoicing at his good turn, Taima decided to look into Magena. Shocked at her chamber being empty, he searched for signs only to find the broken locks and made haste after the trail of Magena and Mapiya. Catching up, he shouted in anger with a spear telling them to go no further. Mapiya wishing to duel to the death was made to stay still by Magena who could not afford to lose him. Shedding a tear, Magena turned to face Mapiya, "Will you stay with me for a lifetime?" "Always"
With that they leapt and the Gods took pity on them and caught them from falling into the cliff and set them up in the air. And they said, "Magena, for you are truly of compelling beauty and for others to never desire you, may you show your faces in stages by the day and only appear at night?" At this Magena protested, "How then can I be with my heart's desire, Mapiya?" To this, the gods replied, "Mapiya, will you spend this eternity holding Mapiya and being loyal to her alone?" To this, Mapiya answered, "Yes. For all eternity". It was thus that the moon and the sky were made.

Taima angered at this favour of the gods, turned to the imps and they in turn made him thunder. For thunder and the sky would never share the same likeness. One sought to uphold the blue and calmness and the other to grow and shout of terror and anger. But for all eternity, Magena and Mapiya will always have each other.
~~ The End ~~
Hope you like this story bie :) Today, is beautiful and you are beautiful. I am smiling for you and I hope with this story and this post, you too will smile for me. Another day will pass and you will be back soon. Lamb is waiting. Waiting for a lion. And they will always have each other. For an eternity. Writing our happily ever after, one day, one step at a time.
PS. Bie, I miss you. I miss you, miss you so so much. Love you baby.