If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet.
But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable,
known someone that could level you with her eyes. Feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of Hell.
And you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel.
To have that love for her, be there forever, through anything, through cancer.
~ Good Will Hunting
Today I write these words as your husband. I know it's not often that I write notes for you anymore. But every morning when I peek out from under the sheets, I write you my first "I Love You" of the day. Looking at you feeling uncomfortable today, it makes me uncomfortable about you too and I can not help but worry about you. I walk every moment today, with you. Always baby.
Just finished my lunch and wanted you to know that I did imagine you sitting by my side eating my food and I trying to eat yours. Looking back, it still amazes me how we got here. I feel lucky that everyday I wake up to the person I love most in the world. In so many quotes I have used in these writings for you, they always say the same thing; you never know love until you love that someone more than yourselves. You are important to me in so many more ways than I am important to myself. I just want to write this note today, telling you that I love you baby.
In the times that you are frustrated at work today, I hope you know you have my love wrapped around your heart and my thoughts holding your hand through today. I keep all these sweet thoughts to myself about you because you are simply the sweetest thing that I know. Perhaps these 2 days off at home is a good break, to miss you and know how much the times you are with me mean so much. So I'm going to be waiting for you here until you get home.
Love you baby and know that you are the only thing on my mind.
PS. Today is beautiful baby, because of you. You are beautiful, and you make my life so beautiful too.
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