Eisenheim: I always meant to return. I just...I kept thinking I'd find it around the next corner.
Sophie: What?
Eisenheim: A real mystery. I saw remarkable things, but the only mystery I never solved was why my heart couldn't let go of you.
~ The Illusionist (2006)

They say that in bright cities, we do not see the stars. Too many lights blinding, too many sounds that sometimes we don’t even look above. And even when we do remember to look for the stars, the lights around us blind us too much that we don’t see them. I know that’s how you feel at the moment, too many lights and sounds around you that you can’t even find the energy to look up. And when you do look at me, you don’t see the stars anymore. Not that I blame you when all the lights and sounds are those of unhappiness that I have created around you.
You asked me on how and what would I plan to do. I hope that somehow maybe today or the days ahead, you somehow will be able to look up. And maybe past all the lights and sounds, be able to see the stars in me. I do not think or deceive myself that you might not even look up. Or by some miracle be able to see the stars within me. I do not promise anything enormous or a huge change that will blow your mind or sweep you off your feet. I hope only that you see that the star that you fell in love with has been here all along. That in the deepest dark of night, the stars will shine for you. And when you do, you will see that it will shine for you for all the days to come.
I would like to write you a story that you might never read. But this story of a lamb and a lion happened in a galaxy far far away and in a time long long ago. There was a lion and a lamb. And there was a valley where they lived. They were there contented after many days of scouring and wandering and found this valley where they thought they would live happily ever after. There were many other fireflies that lived around the valley. Some would flock by and some would fly in from time to time. And with time, these fireflies began to grow in numbers. The lion and lamb passed the time and the lamb began to grow complacent and carried away with the good times.
The lion was wary and always watched her lamb. Never daring to grow complacent or idle, the lion always watched out for the fireflies. She grew wary as the light in the skies became dimmer with time. The lamb never saw how dim the stars were until the lion broke down one day and was enraged and sad that the lamb could not see anymore. Did not sit and watch the skies with her anymore and did not sometimes see her as the brightest star in the skies. She did not believe the lamb would see that way or would always see that way.
So begins the adventure of the lamb who has to:-
1. Show the lion that she has and will always be the brightest star in the skies
2. That fireflies do not change the lamb
3. That love is the only answer
Writing this journey everyday has not been easy. I do not know why or the reason. I do not hope in anything that may come. But I do know that this is the only thing that I can do everyday; to show you that love exists, it is the only answer and that you will always be my brightest star in my skies. During our wedding day, I promised you that my hand is sure and my hand is steady as I write this chapter for both of us called marriage. It has not all been perfect lines or the most beautiful of sentences. But each sentence that I write every moment hence has been about you and about us. About the possibilities, about the joy that is still there and about the countless other stars waiting for us. I love you baby, always have and always will do.
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