Sunday, November 20, 2011

Seeing You Smile Makes me Smile

In my opinion the best thing you can you do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.

~ Juno

Writing this to my wife whom I sorely miss whenever I am not with her. I just wanted to drop you a simple note on how much you mean to me and how much I would like to see you smile when you read this. It's the same busy dreadful boring Monday and it makes it more painful to waste a great Monday weather in November being stuck in the office. More importantly, I want you to know where my heart and my mind lies, with you. I wish that I could escape from this and just spend some time holding you and our son close on a beautiful day.

When I woke up today, it was to joy and to a wife who just informed me that there was a hot cup of Milo waiting for me to start the day! These small joys are the small victories that make life a joy to walk with. These small milestones are the ingredients that we have that makes each step a step of joy that finishes the day right. Sometimes when you tell me to have more patience, these small joys and small steps of the day keeps me calm and keeps me smiling. It cools any burning anger that develops and like the breeze, it just gets carried away.

Today, I just want to paint you more smiles. I hope this would be that one small step for you, that one small joy of many that I can give you today. Zhai Zhai is getting bigger by the day, yes he is growing within you by the day. You are more and more beautifully pregnant and it always makes me grin to see him growing inside you and the way you reach out to him and let him know he's not alone. Each movement indeed brings joy and every small thing can make us worry but I am here for you. Always.

Each passing day brings so many messages along with these small joys, that the biggest bundle of joy is yet to come and it's coming soon. Counting down the days until it arrives in our arms, taking each day one joy at a time. I love you baby and I hope you're smiling right now. I miss you.


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