~ Love Actually

Once upon a time, there was a silly boy and this beautiful girl who roamed the woods of Happily Ever After happily without a care in the world. All was fair in the land of fairies, pixies and flying piglets. They enjoyed each other's company and did not have a care about the raging storms in Chaosland or the endless worries in Worryland. For they were in love and nothing is more important than that. They say that all good things are never without trial or challenges.
That day came in a downpour of rain and thunderstorm when the beautiful maiden was separated from the silly boy. For you see, both were under the rule of the kingdom of Air and the ruler had summoned the fair maiden to do a bidding and to finish a quest on the kingdom's behalf. The fair maiden had to obey the mandate of the kingdom. The silly boy dearly wanted to follow the girl on her quest but fearing the anger of the kingdom, the girl took away his wings and forbid him to follow her on her quest. For the punishment and price to pay would be too great to bear.
The quest was to lead a group of accompanying flying pigs to the Lake and back again. The fair maiden had to travel alone past dark realms and threatening monsters along many paths. But she was unafraid because she knew that the silly boy was with her always. He had given her his heart and she had given hers to him. So she went forth bravely. The journey would take five days nights and was filled with peril and many dangers.
The silly boy promised to write to her on the stars. Every night she would gaze at the stars and smile. The silly boy would send messenger pigeons whenever possible and she would reply whenever there was no danger in sight of the adventure party. There were many challenges and many sad moments. But they still believed and held hands. For they knew what mattered most. Once she broke down and wept when all seemed so bleak and lost. But he whispered to the winds that she remain strong. One challenge by another, they faced together. One wave after another, but love held them steadfast together.
She would isolate and keep to herself at times to gather herself and he would always remind her through the wind that she was never alone. He would embrace her with his love. She would get up time and time again. It was lonely to be leading a bunch of flying pigs but she would keep faith and carry on no matter what problems appeared. When she lost her temper, the winds from the silly boy would calm her and she would force herself to be stronger. The accompanying flying pigs would be attacked from time to time with many threats. Some would lose pouches of their belongings and some would stray away. But she held firm determined to see the five days to its end. The road was difficult but the journey was at its end.
The wait and missing the fair maiden for so long was also hard on the silly boy because he loved her so so much. It took a tremendous strain on him. On the final night, he broke down on his knees singing,
Can't fall asleep tonight
I don't know what to do
I hold my pillow but I wanna be holding you
And when I close my eyes I always see your face
I know my happiness is only a kiss away
And every hour here in the dark
Every beat of my lonely heart
Tells me that I need to be with you
Heaven oh heaven what can I do
Heaven, heaven oh heaven can't you help me
I look in her eyes now she's all I see
Heaven oh heaven can't you help me
I'm down on my knees help me
The silly boy brushed aside all his tears because today is different. Today is the end of the wait. Today, at the end of the fifth day, the journey is at its end. It ends with a happily ever after for the gust of wind is bringing the fair maiden back. Thats the way things were meant to be. The quest was at its end. They were meant to be together. The silly boy is leaving this story for the fair maiden to complete. This is not the end. At least not in the conventional terms, because this is just the beginning. This story is going to last a lifetime so the full stop does not end here. Happily ever after is just a turn of the page away.
PS. Bie, its meant to be. Heaven is when you smile on the tarmac at 7pm today. Our chapter continues on. Hold my hand and let us complete it together one day at a time.
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