~ Arwen (Liv Tyler), Lord of the Rings
Todays post is slightly different. I have not been able to feel her since yesterday and today at most times. I would like to think its because shes tired but these two days have been cold at times. Maybe because its Her mood is temperamental and like whenever shes free, she thinks too much. Was thinking of another cool, creative post to warm her heart. But there is no warm heart beating in mine when I write this for her today. I'm writing today not to tell about our love but more so to convince her that she cannot always lose her way.
I've not read "The Notebook" but I've watched parts of it, there was this part where Noah writes 365 letters to Allie everyday for a year when she goes away and he says this: The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you.
In some parts I think of "The Notebook" when I write my posts. Only she gets to read them everyday after I write them unlike Allie. Like Noah, I am no one special. Just a common man with common thoughts. I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but in one respect I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.
There are many callings, many temptations in life, and throughout this short period I have done nothing but hold on and tried to tell her the same message every single day. Some days shes just magnificent and the one who believes the most. On other days, shes doubtful and wonders and just feels so much pressure. On most days, I know its the same cheery her I see and on the random days like today, I just do not know what to do when shes distant and she doesn't realise it or seem to care because its a weekday thingy.
My mind seems to fail me today. I can't seem to find the words to say what my mind wants to say so let the pictures say a thousand words...
When I met you, I wanted to ask you to join my weird ways, and to my surprise you said yes...

This is how I can best describe it now...

I gave you my heart...

But instead see what happened to yours...

There are times there are "weekdays" syndrome and even times when you leave me lost...

But no matter what, you bring me back a smile. Even when I'm down, sad and upset, just you, one kiss, one look into your eyes and one sniff of your breath. Any of these can set my world on fire baby and take away everything until the only thing left is you...

You are the only reason I'm smiling. You are my reasons. All my reasons...

I love you and everything I have, its yours. My forever I leave it with you, I leave you the most important things in life in your hands...

Today, lying there donating blood, you look so beautiful, so perfect. At one point, I just wish I could pull out my own donating tubes and hug you. Without realising, we've actually done another new thing together today. I'm often surprised at how the moment finds us. Meeting your eyes on that reclined chair, I see my forever everytime. So stop asking me whether I love you when you're free or in love with the feeling of falling in love. I love falling in love, being in love, blinded by love, consumed by love, living, breathing in love and everything in the name of love with you bie. So just shut up and love me the same or slightly more baby.
Today is indeed beautiful. Walk with me. I love you. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Next month. Next year. A lifetime. Don't you dare let go baby.
PS. Bie, I don't care if its a weekday or weekend, I love you more and more. I don't take holidays so just lie in my arms you sweetest thing.
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