Monday, March 16, 2009

Feeling lucky punk?

"Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking punk. You're thinking did he fire six shots or only five? And to tell you the truth I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world and will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question--Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk!"

Clint Eastwood (Harry Callahan) in Dirty Harry

Was at LCCT today, getting free food from our lounge. Now you never know what the crazy cashier is going to price your food as. You might get lucky and again, you might not. Its all touch and go which kinda reminded me of Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry.

The food in the AirAsia office was initally termed as a carrier of the e. coli virus which is not exactly deadly but also not exactly going to earn the lounge extra points. Been avoiding it since one of my lunch buddies started swearing shes been getting stomach cramps and upsets which began to affect us physchologically.

We went back today after a while and since that particular lunch buddy was not in the office today. Guess what, in a random shot of bullets, my friend with the same dish ended up paying RM4.20 and me.....well I paid RM2.50. Must be the size of the chickeeeeeen i say. Maybe it was the extra 100gm of rice they overpoured.

My work mate complains that I do not speak up. Don't know why but my confidence kinda flies in front of her. Maybe I'm thinking too much but she does make me nervous from time to time. Maybe its the way she smiles at her computer screen and shes complaining shes getting no love.

So, are you feeling lucky punk?


Khythia said...

next time call her to take nasi separuh. Solve the issue :D

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