Monday, March 9, 2009

Stand up ya'll

The Girl: You know why the sky is blue?

Kyun-woo: Because the reflection from the sunshine causes...

The Girl: Wrong! It's to make me happy. I wanted it to be blue, so it's blue. You know why fire is hot? It's all for me. I wanted it to be hot, so it's hot. You know why we have four seasons here in Korea?

Kyun-woo: For you?

The Girl: Correct.

For those who have seen "My Sassy Girl", that sizzling Korean movie back in 2001 will remember the dialogue above. Okay, hands up those who have girlfriends like that. Maybe not to that extreme but something along the lines?

Ok, moving along. Just had to get that out of the way as my friend's girlfriend kinda pissed me off during a lunch and I absolutely hate the Taiwanese tone of voice that supposedly makes girls cute. Their limbs should be torn apart by horsies and their tounges cut. Ok, I'm over it now.

If there's magic in boxing, it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you.

Million Dollar Baby

So what are you fighting for today? I ask myself that same question everyday. People question the need for a blog and some say that it is a failure. I ask myself as well "what am I struggling for?" Sacrificing my personal time, my money, my weekends, my sanity to live a normal life and I wake up every morning to find people disinterested about the blog. And then someone comes and says, "I didin't know you have a blog. Thats interesting. What is it about?". I crack a grin and my day starts all over again.

Everyday I wake up look myself in the mirror wondering if I did all I could for the blog. If I had made a difference. Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happiness asked, "It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what, how did he know that?".

The pursuit of happiness ladies and gentlemen. We have the right to pursue happiness and I'm going all out kicking ass everyday. The blog so far has made me a believer that a corporate blog should exist and every company should have one. We're severely lacking that human touch in our communication today. The world is looking to engage companies in communications and internally, emails and telephone calls don't cut it anymore. To function at optimal level and prosper, there is a need to do more, to know more. The age of 2.0 is on and corporations will have to start playing catch up. Working in silos is a gone and no position is sacred. You have to stand up. Have a say.

No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.

John Keating, Dead Poets Society


Anonymous said...

" I think the corporate blog is a great place to discuss, meet new friends, find great travel ideas, advices, tips and great way to discover insight of a company, who says blog is a failure is still stuck in year 1994!" almond in wawa voice

Derek "thewrecktan" Tan said...

i think almond i have to agree with you or i will have to join the other millions without a job in the recession soon.

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