Thursday, March 19, 2009

the time is just rite

"Why didin't your mom process you earlier?"

I was actually this. Twice. Now how do you answer that?

Benjamin Button about a curious case of a man aging backwards. He meets this love of his love. They somehow get together at the exact time, at the perfect moment. To those that do not know, go buy the DVD. Life is that strange all the time. You do not know when the exact or opportunate moment is here. People look their whole lives and not know that the moment is here or is passing them by. Ships are safe in the harbour but thats not what ships are built for. Guess its the same with life. You live life but life is not worth living simply that way.

Been really busy today deciding on who gets a shot at being a pilot and who does not. I've bene calling each candidate that I feel stands a chance. Trying to see if I can give them a change to change their lives and more importantly, trying to see how much they want this. Wonder if this competition is only the opportunate moment for the ten. Often ask myself, if this competition will also change the lives of the others who will not be selected.

On a seperate matter to a certain owner of a prince, I've tried looking all my life but never felt like this before. Now, do I know if I'm meeting the opportunate moment? I don't know but my heart tells me that it is...


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