Monday, August 23, 2010

What Do I See?

I just think life is more than a series of moments, you know, we can make choices, and we can choose to protect the people we love, and that's what makes us who we are and those are the real memories

~ Forces of Nature

Today when we're busily swept away by the mundane stuff like work, going through the motions, just trying to make it to the end of the day, it's a happy thought that we're holding hands moving through it all. Today, as we step another step towards the DAY, it's easy to also get swept away with all the mundane stuff, but again I am here, writing this down, that we are here to savour and enjoy this moment. All these small details can drain so much from us but the reality is that we only live to see this once, and what I see is beautiful....because of you.

Was dreaming this weird dream of falling lately and I blame it on you for always telling me to let my weight go and just let it all rest. The same way I blame you for letting me depend so much of my life on you, from all the small details to the big ones that matter. I know for sure that as much as you will depend on me, I too lean and depend on you. Falling for each other that way, only means us needing each other all that more and that perhaps is what falling in love every single day of our lives mean.

When people ask me what do I see around me for inspiration, I find that a difficult question to answer. I like to think that the answer would be simpler, and just say it's you. But when I close my eyes, and look around me, what used to the same dull colour is not the same as it is today. When I close my eyes, no, I do not see beauty alone. But I see things around me for what it is, and that makes what I have and see all the more beautiful. Because I have you. I have you to understand how beautiful the things I have, how colourful the simple day to day things can become. And I begin to realise how much more beautiful life is when you're in the world. And because of that, you are beautiful to me, more than you can ever know.

People often say that a wedding is supposed to be a momentous event of gargantuan impact on lives. Maybe they have it wrong. That the most impactful moment in mine, was when you turned and stared at me, then this most beautiful smile that God could have painted starts to take shape, and this music suddenly rings, Lathika's theme humming into a gentle breeze. And I see you. And from that moment, I realised this. That perhaps you were meant to be there. Waiting for me. And I also knew that there would be no other woman I would see at the altar before God and man. It's these simple moments that stay with you. That makes us choose how we want to spend the rest of our lives.

This kind of surety comes only once in a lifetime. And maybe you didn't see it as I did. But these are the sights my brain can not forget or hope to replicate. I know I'm an academician and a student of things. I observe, I calculate and I learn. But like John Nash and this blog, the only equation that best represents you. You complete me, my logic and my life. So let the small details float by, let love lead and let my hand hold yours. This I promise you, that every moment that matters will be shared with you. So enjoy this moment with me, laugh with me, cry with me and live life with me.

PS. Why another post? Simply because I love you and today is beautiful because you are beautiful to me...the most beautiful person...thing...moment of my life.


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