Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You're there sleeping and I'm here suddenly wide awake. I still don't understand what you're telling me. I just heard you're going for a fashion show. Thats absolutely fine with me if you want to go and have fun. Just wondering that if you wanted to go why did you only have to tell me at the last moment only when you had to? Why tell me at the last possible moment when you alreay made up your mind so much earlier?

I actually asked Evil Janet out tomorrow. I really do miss her but now shes telling me shes going out with friends even if she misses me. And the answer was that she did not want to tire me out. How about her getting tired out?

I think I'm confused. Seriously confused. Just wanted to tell her this but shes too tired to listen. I'm too confused to sleep. Think better just to lie in bed.

But you know what, &%^$ what I'm thinking or what I'm confused about. As long as Evil Janet's happy. Thats all that matters and I think too much anyways. As long as she smiles. Nothing else matters. For real. Think its just believing in her and trusting in her with everything.

Why the %$&* isn't tomorrow Sunday?


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