Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finding the Light

I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.

~ The Notebook

Baby, I know how sad you may be and I know it may be too much to ask you and your happiness to be strong now. But you are not alone. I am always by your side. My thoughts go with you wherever you are and whatever you do. So do not feel that you are experiencing this sadness alone or this difficulty is yours to bear alone. Your husband and lamb is by your side always.

So I am writing this today to paint you today's smile. That you are this most important person to me and that I think your happiness is stronger than all of this that is pulling you down. I know that deep inside we are bigger than all of this. Let hubby tell you a story of a lion. This lion was always ferocious in knowing what she wants from life. That she knew all the hidden secrets on how to enjoy life. She met a lamb and they were always happy and it was sunny all the time. There was a time when darkness visited and it made the lion sad.

Because she lived in the sun all the time and this darkness was draining whatever energy she had left. The lamb tried all he could and sought her heart. He knew that love was the only way to show her the light. She tried and tried but the darkness would not leave. This silly little lamb took her hand and walked as far as they could from the darkness. Bit by bit the light began to shine anew in the heart of the lion. The lion only needs to understand that the light in her will always shine and that darkness may haunt the moment but it is only a passing moment and the shadow will come to pass.

That the truth was that the light and happiness in her was too strong for simple darkness to hold back. That living in the moment was all the matters. The lamb carefully guided her as they slowly drew away and let their own light shine. Light will always be there. Happiness will always be there baby. I love you and I am here for you. Take my hand as you know I am always here doing all I can to make every second worthwhile for the two of us. To paint each happiness for us as we move along. To draw smiles on your face with every moment that has been given to me. I am always here and I will always love you.


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