Monday, November 7, 2011

Simply when you are all the reasons

Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?
Buttercup: were dead.
Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
Buttercup: I will never doubt again.
Westley: There will never be a need.

~ The Princess Bride (1987)

Today am taking these few moments to tell you how much you mean to me and how much you make today beautiful. I am not sure how much happiness you feel today but I am determined to make you the happiest I can be. It begins with a simple message on an ordinary day where you are the only unordinary thing. I wish I could compose you a thousand beautiful lines to paint this smile for you. But all I really want to do is to tell you I love you and that I believe is the most important.

I love you and every single second of today I would like to dedicate to you. To make you smile, I want to tell you this story. Of how a lamb starts a day not thinking of the pitch to come but how to make you smile. When he hears this song, this song that a lion always sings and hums for him. It set a smile in his and he SMSed his lion to let her know how important that song was when she hummed and sang it. That it, was the hope for love and the beginning of a new chapter. Everything nearly began from there. It kept the lion strong at one point in time and everytime the lamb hears it, it does stir some warmth imagining the lion singing it to him.

Today, I am worried about you coping with our little child. You will always have me and our son. I have tiny worries about how difficult all this small things are; your backache, you getting up at night and these changes to your body. But every small bump from our son takes it all away. That cheers me up to and soon we will be seeing him again as he approaches six months. We are on our final race to the end and I want you to know that I am here with you every step of the way. I am here with my hand holding yours. I am here to love and cherish you and our son all the days of our lives. Today, I am here as a husband, your man and your best friend to say it's okay, I understand what you're going through and I am here for you.

I love you baby and want you to know that I am excited with every line we write together and I miss you right now. Love from a lamb that bleats and baa-s for you. You are my reasons, you are all my reasons and I hope I am your single reason to smile today. Muacksss...


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